Hilary the Helpful Hippo Holiday Travel Activity Pack

‘Are we nearly there yet?’ The words every parent dreads when going on a long car journey, right?  I remember when our youngest said this just twenty minutes into a five hour long trip!  If you’re going on a long journey to reach your holiday destination then don’t worry, we have got you covered.  Our free downloadable travel activity pack, designed with help from our kids, is sure to help. 

Based on Hilary the helpful hippo, from our adventure themed Magical Story Jar, it’s filled with activities that help to communicate the importance of helpfulness in a fun and lighthearted way.  It’s suitable for ages four to eight years old.  From word searches to stories and helpfulness challenges, it’s sure to help that journey become more memorable. 

We all know it’s good to teach and role model skills such as being helpful.  But exactly why is learning to be helpful so important for our children?  Take a look at the facts below then download our travel activity pack here to help inspire your little sweethearts to be even more helpful. 

  • IT'S FUN TO BE HELPFUL.  When we are helpful it activates the happy hormones (known as dopamine) in our brains.

  • VALUABLE LIFE SKILLS.  Valuable life skills, such as making friends and building trust amongst others, all depend on our children’s ability to contribute, share and help others.

  • PAY IT BACK.  If we teach our children to be helpful, they will grow up to be adults who help others and in turn, receive help back.

  • CONNECTION.  Being helpful to friends, family and neighbours can give our children a real sense of community.

  • GRATITUDE.  Children learn to be grateful for what they have when helping those less fortunate.

  • SELF-ESTEEM.  Being helpful increases feelings of self-worth, purpose and belonging.  

Don’t forget to let us know how the kids get on by tagging us in their helpful hippo travel adventures over on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter using the #MagicalStoryJars hashtag.

To receive all of our future fun, free and fantastic downloadable activities, simply sign up to our newsletter below. 

Have a happy and helpful holiday story makers!

Beth and Co x