Enlighten Me

‘Enlighten Me’ was written and illustrated by twelve-year-old Arista Kamila from Coleraine, Northern Ireland.  Story cards from the Adventure themed Magical Story Jars were used as a framework for the story.  Arista’s beautifully written story won second place in the 11-13 year age group during the ‘Super Story Writing Competition’ held in association With What’s Your Story Chorley? festival.  We’re confident you will enjoy the read. 

“Gleinn Theem.”

Johana opened her eyes.  She propped herself up on her elbows and stared at the letter carvings on her wooden bedpost.  The ruins spelt, “Enlighten Me.”

Johana wondered what the carver had meant by those words.

Suddenly Johana remembered her dream.  “Gleinn Theem,” she whispered aloud, wincing at how peculiar the words sounded. Her mind working fast, she reached for a scrap of paper.  Johana had loved to solve anagrams since she was young.  Her hand scribbled furiously across the paper, and her brain pumped on until –

She had solved it.

She held the paper tightly, nearly ripping it in excitement.  “Enlighten Me,” she giggled conspiratorially, “is Gleinn Theem in an anagram!”  She clapped her hands elfishly and contemplated on how clever she was.

Her laughter was cut short.  She screamed in sudden terror as the deepest grooves on the bed opened to reveal eyes.  Green, luminous eyes. “Indeed I am,” it rasped with a cracking voice, “but there is no time for introductions, girl. We must go help Glacier before his heart freezes.”

Enlighten Me, by Arista Kamila, age 12.

Before Johana could move, she was lifted into the air on the back of her bed.  She gasped as two downy dove wings burst from its sides and started to flutter.  She gripped in vain to her duvet and shut her eyes.

Finally, they landed on solid ground. Ice crystals formed railways and roads in front of her, glimmering in the daylight.  A cry escaped her as a big, blue dinosaur, covered in ice, tottered towards them.  “Glacier I am,” it rumbled in a strange Russian accent, “how you?”  The talking bed cackled and grinned broadly.  “I am well,” it replied, “I think this is the girl you are looking for.”

Glacier clapped his hands.  “Well very,” he gurgled, “I much worried, you must my heart make warm. Must it not freeze.”  Without thinking, Johana ran up to the beast and wrapped him up in a warm hug, taking the dinosaur by surprise.  Out of the corners of her eyes Johana could see the walls of ice start to melt away to reveal the old train station, the cold and bitter air whooshing away to leave behind a warm, summer’s day.

The dinosaur, too, was quickly getting warmer.  His blue scales softened into pink fluff and hot steam erupted out of his nostrils once more.

“I think your work here is done,” the bed whispered gently, patting her on the back, “now what is my name?”

By now, Johana had started to feel very tired.  Her eyelids drooped and her hands flopped uselessly to her sides.  “Your name,” she yawned, “your name... is… your name is Gleinn Theem.”

Johana opened her eyes again.  She was shocked to see that she was back home in her bed!  Had her adventure all been a dream???  She spun around in a furry of blankets and stared at the carvings on her bed.  Sure enough they were still there, spiralling up on the dank wood.

Enlighten Me.


We hope you’ll join us in saying an enormous well done to Arista. We think she’s a hard working author in the making!